National Empowerment Programme

“Fostering a culture of pre-emptive and peaceful conflict resolution within our Nation”

The Community Mediation Services Division of the Ministry of Sport and Community Development provides the necessary support system for persons in conflict to discuss and arrive at mutually beneficial solutions either through mediation or social work intervention. These core services promote a culture of peace within families and by extension communities throughout the Country.

The National Empowerment Programme (N.E.P.) plays an integral part of the structure and operation of the Division. While the mediation centres address conflicts that arise through mediation and social work, this facet of the Division’s practice is pre-emptive, seeking to address the common dysfunctional and destructive approaches to dispute resolution. The objective of N.E.P. is to replace these undesirable responses with more proactive and positive action-oriented approaches.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged a hybrid approach to the delivery of the Programme. However, the need for the Programme has not diminished; instead, the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the current social and economic realities faced by the citizenry. It is therefore the firm belief of the Division that there needs to be an intensification of this Programme to enable citizens to better self-regulate, in addition to dealing with issues of social isolation and loneliness because of the pandemic.

Consequently, this year the Programme will be offered virtually to registered participants. Upon successful completion of the Programme, participants will receive an e-Certificate for the workshop they would have participated in. 

Registration Schedule

Course NameRegistration DateCourse Date
Effective Communication1st May7th May
Emotional Intelligence3rd May9th & 10th May
Stress Management6th May14th & 15th May
Anger Management9th May16th & 17th May
Conflict De-escalation14th May21st, 22nd & 23rd May
Time Management & Overcoming Procrastination21st May28th & 29th May
Building Trust as a Professional and Organization28th May4th June
Effective Leadership6th June13th & 14th June


Registration for each course would be open for a specified period only, and this information is provided via the schedule above. All communication would be done via the email you indicate on the registration form; thus, it is important you ensure an accessible email is provided. Your certificate would also be distributed electronically.

(Registration is now closed)

Frequently asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)

National Empowerment Programme.

Persons have to click on the link on the website to pre-register for each course which specific registration period. The schedule is also available on the website.

The NEP schedule includes information on the dates and times of each course.

The staff of Community Mediation Services Division who are experts on the various fields would be facilitating the programmes.

Yes. Once a participant partakes in each part of the course for the full duration of course they would be entitled to and Electronic Certificate.

No. You have to complete each part of a course to be awarded a certificate.

The certificates would be distributed via the email provided on the registration form.

The certificates would be available by November 2023 and participants would be contacted as soon as it is ready.

NEP would be available virtually.

The presentation would not be shared. It would be advisable to take proper notes.

  • 225-4267 – North Main Centre
  • 497-6086 – East Main Centre
  • 703-3287 or 703-3299 – North East Main Centre
  • 693-2955 or 693-2568 – Central Main Centre
  • 648-2810 or 709-0060 South Mediation Centres

You could write an official request or call for us 225-4267 for more information before writing the request.



Course Description

This Course aims to guide the participants to define and understand effective communication within the context of family, community and everyday living.  It focuses on articulation of views in circumstances where there may be differing viewpoints, communicating in difficult circumstances when it may become necessary to direct or control situations without displaying or adopting adversarial posture, communicating in intimate familial situations where it may be necessary to be nurturing, empathetic, understanding or disciplinary.


This Course recognizes that individuals are faced with differing roles over the course of any given day as they are over the course of a lifetime. Therefore, effective situational communication is essential.



Within the contexts of the different life roles and expectations:

  • Define communication; verbal and non-verbal, written and visual
  • Understand passive, aggressive and assertive communication
  • Explore and understand the advantages and disadvantages of different communication styles
  • Understand the situational application of communication and the importance of selecting the appropriate communication style.
  • Identify the barriers to effective communication and develop strategies for dismantling those barriers.
  • Understand the transactional model of communication.
  • Apply communicative strategies in addressing conflicts.
  • Discuss how effective communication facilitates acceptance and adaptation to change.
  • Explore the different tools used for effective communication
  • Explore the appropriate protocols for electronic communication.



Learning Outcomes:





Understand different types of communication and different styles of communication


Understand how miscommunication can cause and affect conflict


Identify personal communication styles and the related benefits and challenges


Understand the role and importance of language in effective communication


Appreciate the impact of active listening and other effective communication skills.Identify and examine the uses of non-verbal communication
Understand the importance of effective communication to Time and Change Management


Appreciate the importance of language and communication skills for the de-escalation of volatile situations.


Identify why and how to use different styles of communication


Understand the communication system and its implications for sending and receiving the intended messageAppreciate the usefulness of the give and take of negotiation in effective communicationUse tools and techniques to improve individual communication


Evaluate how individual communication styles can change the personal and group outcomes



Defining Communication

Communication can be described as a two-way process of reaching a mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning fostered toward a particular outcome.

  • Examine the different types of communication include: Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Written Communication and Visualizations. The different styles of communication include being Assertive, Aggressive, Passive-aggressive, Submissive and Manipulative.
  • Explore the Different Types of Communication
    • Verbal communication
    • Non-verbal communication
    • Written communication
    • Visual Communication
    • Electronic Communication
  • Examine the Different Communication Styles
    • The assertive style
    • The aggressive style
    • Passive-aggressive style
    • The submissive style
    • The manipulative style
  • Explore Barriers to Communication
    • The use of jargon.
    • Emotional barriers and taboos.
    • Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
  • Differences in perception and viewpoint.
  • Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
  • Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
  • Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
  • Expectations and prejudices
  • Cultural differences.
  • Feedback and its Importance for Effective Communication
  • Tools for Effective Communications
    • Active listening
    • Selection and use of language
    • Negotiation
  • The Implications of poor Communication (Conflict and Confrontation


A variety of highly interactive and participatory instructional methods would be employed in the delivery of this Module. These would include:

  • Small group exercises
  • Use of multimedia including, video clips and PowerPoint presentation





Course Description

This Course focuses on crisis intervention and communication techniques specific to effective de-escalation of potentially volatile situations through the application of communication and conflict management skills and techniques. Participants will define conflict in the context of families and communities, become more aware of their own conflict styles, hot buttons and unconscious responses to conflict. They will also gain an appreciation for the power of the appropriate use of listening skills, reflective statements, language and constructive communication to control situations, build rapport and exercise authority assertively and responsibility.



At the end of this workshop participants should:

  • Be able to define conflict
  • Be able to define de-escalation
  • Understand that conflict can be both positive and negative
  • Be aware of one’s own conflict style
  • Recognize one’s own trigger points (Hot buttons)
  • Understand the consequences of managing conflict negatively
  • Recognize what causes conflict to escalate to violence
  • Appreciate the importance of Emotional Intelligence in de-escalation of confrontation
  • Understand the importance of use and choice of language in de-escalation
  • The ability to exercise authority with responsibility (self-awareness and self-control)
  • Understand the importance of de-escalation
  • Understand one’s role in de-escalating conflict/ violence


Learning Outcomes




Capable of differentiating stages of conflict


Appreciate that conflicts are complex and persons react and experience conflicts differently.


Heightened self-awareness of one’s own triggers


Demonstrate de-escalation techniques


Demonstrate Self Awareness and Self-Regulation


Demonstrate Effective Communication skills in a highly emotive situation


  • Defining De- escalation
  • Self-awareness identifying My Hot Buttons
  • Language as a potential source of conflict
    • Cognitive implications (Thinking, perceiving, understanding, analyzing)
    • Affective implications (Emotions, feelings, responses to violent/aggressive language)
    • Words mean different things to different people. They can be arbitrary and vague.
  • Key to crisis de-escalation
  • Maintain Composure – watch those ‘hot buttons’
  • Constructive comments (enthusiasm, encouragement, affirmation)
  • Strive for clarity in communicating – Get the message across
  • Demonstrate Emotional intelligence
    • Self-awareness
    • Self-management
    • Social awareness
    • Empathy,
    • Effective Relationship
  • Conflict and Confrontation
    • Event plus Response =Outcome
      • Events can be any occurrence within or outside of your control
      • Response
        • Thoughts – Know thyself (Hot buttons)
        • Emotions – Master your emotions, acknowledge how you feel but control yourself
        • Behaviour (consider the implications of your reaction)
      • Identifying signs of impending violence or discord
      • Inevitability of conflict
    • Active Listening Skills
    • Acknowledge and accept emotions and feelings
    • Apologize for your contribution
    • Control tone and body language
    • Focus on future
  • Tone
  • Body language
  • Self-Awareness (recognize personal limits)



  • The delivery of the module will be highly interactive and participative. The participants will be encouraged to focus on their own past personal experiences.
  • Case study of family and community violence
  • The use of a variety of multimedia including video clips, PowerPoint Presentation.




Know yourself and you will win all battles

If you wait by the river long enough the bodies of your enemies will float by


Course Description

The Course examines the ability to effectively manage our emotions in our personal, professional, and social lives. Mastery of Emotional Intelligence helps us to regulate our cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses to stressors in the external environment. Through skill building exercises, individual and group activities and the use of multimedia aids participants will identify and explore their own challenges in maintaining positive environments and collaborative relationships. By the end of this module participants would have honed the abilities to develop Emotional Intelligence acuity.



At the end of this module participants should be able to:

  • Define emotional intelligence
  • Understand that IQ is not correlated to EI
  • Explain Daniel Goleman’s 1998 – The Five Competencies Model of Emotional Intelligence
  • Understand the role communication plays in interpreting the emotions of others
  • Highlight the importance of regulating and processing emotion as it relates to the individual and interpersonal relationships
  • Articulate the benefits of high emotional intelligence on managing life’s difficulties (stress and depression).
  • Apply various strategies to develop and improve emotional intelligence
  • Hone the ability to identify behaviors that they would like to change, continue or adopt.


Learning Outcomes





Define and differentiate between the five competencies of Emotional Intelligence


Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-managementThe ability to interpret and manage emotions
To understand the strategies that would enhance emotional intelligenceThe ability to successfully express emotions positively


Effective management of relationships and situations management


The ability to empathize


Exhibit more intentional responses to stimuli


Hone the ability to identify behaviors that they would like to change, continue or adopt


Identify personal triggers that causes high emotional strain and to successfully cope accordingly


To demonstrate the ability to apply the five competencies of Emotional Intelligence to daily life


The ability to evaluate reactions in high emotional situations paying special attention to regulation and control


  • Defining Emotional Intelligence
  • Explore two popular Models of Emotional Intelligence
    • The Five Competencies Model (Daniel Goleman 1998):
      • Self-Awareness,
      • Self-Regulation,
      • Self-Motivation,
        • Empathy,
        • Effective Relationships
●        Strategies to overcome individual challenges to achieving EI competence
●        Applying the five competencies: to Individual Action Planning for Change
  • Participants develop individual action plans that identify behaviours that:
    • They would like to change
    • Those that work well and they would wish to continue
    • Those different behaviors that they would wish to adopt



A variety of highly interactive and participatory instructional methods would be employed in the delivery of this Module. These would include:

  • EQ Self-Assessment Activity
  • Breakout Room exercises
  • Use of multimedia including, video clips and PowerPoint presentation




Course Description

This Module defines the concept of stress and distinguishes between eustress and distress while highlighting the inevitability of experiencing stress during the course of one’s life, including on-the-job experiences.  It also draws attention to the physiological, emotional and mental effects of prolonged exposure to stressors and focuses attention on developing coping strategies and mechanisms to encourage and sustain personal health and well-being.



This Module aims to:

  • Define stress
  • Explore the notion that some stress can be healthy
  • Investigate the consequences of prolonged stress on the mind and body – the General Adaptation Syndrome (Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion stages)
  • Explore self-awareness and how certain personal stressors are triggered
  • Investigate various positive coping strategies to manage stress; basic strategies and personal strategies
  • Differentiation between those situations which are within and beyond one’s locus of control and to discuss the appropriate situational responses.
  • Highlight the importance of managing stress to successfully function in society
  • Emphasize that it is possible to manage any level of stress with the right attitude and tools
  • Highlight the necessary strategies to turn stress into productivity


Learning Outcomes





To Understand stress is and define and differentiate between the different types of stressStressful situations affect people differently and know the importance of being understanding.The ability to identify stressful situations and appropriately respond to stressful stimulant
Understand the physical and mental signs of long-term stress and short term stressStress is unavoidable and not necessarily negativeTo develop coping mechanisms to positively manage stress.
To understand the negative coping mechanism associated with stressThe ability to evaluate the situations as being necessarily stressful or needlessly stressful



  • Defining Concepts
    • Stress
    • Eustress
    • Distress
  • Identify and discuss the indicators/signs of:
    • Physiological responses to external stimuli
    • Emotional responses to stimuli
  • Discovering stressors within the context of family, community, workplace
    • Self-reflection/self-awareness of personal responses
    • Strategies to transform from fight or flight response to a productive or positive response
  • Explore the stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome
    • Stage 1: Alarm – the body’s responses to the application of stressors (fight, flight or freeze)
    • Stage 2: Adaptation – How the body attempts to restore normalcy and equilibrium after a stressful situation. (Coping with distress or ‘stress’ as we commonly say)
    • Stage 3: Exhaustion- This occurs after repeated exposure to stressors, the body’s defense mechanism wears down and the physiological and psychological symptoms begin to be exhibited (health related issues such as hypertension, diabetes, insomnia, burn-out etc.)
  • Exploring the strategies for managing stress
    • Lifestyle changes
    • Environmental changes
    • Relaxation Techniques
    • Coping Techniques
  • Applying the strategies to manage stress
    • Creating a Personal Stress Reduction Plan of Action


A variety of highly interactive and participatory instructional methods would be employed in the delivery of this Module. These would include:

  • Use of past personal stories.
  • Games
  • Use of multimedia including, video clips and PowerPoint Presentation.



Time Management and Managing Procrastination


Course Description

Participants would be provided with the opportunity to examine the factors which impede the achievement of goals, while exploring strategies to maximize available time, set SMART goals and reduce stress.


Learning Objectives

  • To establish the significance of time
  • To define Time Management
  • To define effective time management
  • To discuss the benefits and outcomes of effective time management
  • To identify and discuss the causes/setbacks/ challenges of ineffective time management
  • To outline the steps to effective time management
  • To discuss the consequences of procrastination
  • To develop the skills of effective Time Management.
    • Goal Setting
    • Strategic planning
    • Resource Management
    • Decision Making
    • Self-Motivation
    • Prioritization
    • Communication Skills
    • Adaptability
    • Stress Management
    • Coping Skills
    • Patience
    • Forgiveness
    • Prioritization
  • To define Procrastination
  • To establish the signs and elements of Procrastination
  • To understand why we procrastinate
  • To develop techniques that would help us prevent procrastination


Learning Outcomes


Knowledge Outcomes

Affective Outcomes

Skills outcomes

Differentiate between effective and effective time management.Appreciate how integral effective time management is to leadership and teamworkIdentify and utilize strategies to balance home and work life.
What constitute a SMART Goal











To appreciate the impact of ineffective time management


Appreciate the impact of procrastination on personal and family life

Ability to develop a Smart Goals


Demonstrate how the skills of effective time management can be used in the workplace


Develop practical strategies to effective time management

The Self ContractContracting with yourself to prevent ProcrastinationSelf-reward and Relaxation
Five Finger Relaxation TechniqueUnlocking the potential for changeRelaxation



  • Defining Time Management
  • Strategies managing available time
  • Benefits of effective time management
  • Planning and forecasting
  • Prioritizing tasks and activities
  • Setbacks to effective time management
    • Distractions
    • Multi-tasking
    • Managing expectation
  • Tools and Techniques for Time Management
    • Aids and strategies for Time Management and
    • The ease and feasibility of their application
  • Work-Life Balance
    • Defining Work Life balance
    • Benefits of healthy balance
    • Warning signs of imbalance (Burn-out)
    • Strategies to re-establish equilibrium (Self Care)
  • Overcoming Procrastination
    • Defining procrastination
    • To establish the signs and elements of Procrastination
    • To understand why we procrastinate
    • To develop techniques that would help us prevent procrastination



A multi-prong interactive, participatory approach including:

  • Case Study on Time Management- Present scenario
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (Stress Management Technique)
  • Multimedia (PowerPoint presentation and Video)





Course Description

This Module aims to bring clarity in understanding that anger is a natural human emotion that is experienced by every human being from time to time.  It helps participants to identify the situations and behaviors that trigger one’s anger as an introduction to anger management.  Attention will be drawn to the physiological, emotional and mental effects that anger can have on the human body. By the end of this session participants would be able to identify personal triggers and develop personalized strategies to manage their responses to testing situations management techniques.


Learning Objectives

This Module aims to:

  • To define Anger
  • To identify physiological signs and effects of anger
  • To define anger management by exploring the anger management process
  • To discuss the positive and negative consequences of anger and the impact of self and relationships
  • To identify the techniques which can be used to manage one’s own anger
  • To identify the techniques which can be used to manage anger in others


Learning Outcomes


Knowledge Outcomes

Affective Outcomes

Skills outcomes

To define and explain anger and the process of anger managementTo recognize physiological signs and effects of angerThe ability to manage anger
To recognize the importance of managing anger


Understanding that anger is a natural human emotion that is experienced by every human beingTo demonstrate anger management skill.



  • Defining Concepts
    • What is Anger
    • The Process of Anger Management
    • The Process of getting angry
  • Identify and discuss the indicators/signs of:
    • Physiological signs of anger
    • Positive and negative anger
  • Discovering anger management within the community
    • Anger in the workplace
    • Anger in public
  • Exploring the strategies for managing anger
    • How to manage one’s own anger
    • How to help others manage their anger
    • Creating a Personal anger management plan


A variety of highly interactive and participatory instructional methods would be employed in the delivery of this Module. These would include:

  • Use of past personal stories
  • Games
  • Use of multimedia including, video clips and PowerPoint




Course Description

The Course recognizes the importance of confidentiality as an important element in trust building. It also recognizes the significance and necessity of trust and trustworthy among persons. However, it is important to distinguish between privacy and confidentiality since they are distinct and require different treatments. While it is of paramount importance to honor the individual’s right to privacy, confidentiality it must also be respected, however there are often limits or exceptions which would usually be based on the potential for harm to others, to the person himself or herself or even to an organization. How that action is pursued then becomes important in order to be effective while being sensitive and respectful to the needs of anyone who discloses. These issues would be explored in this Course.



  1. Distinguish between privacy and confidentiality
  2. To define confidentiality in the context of an organization
  3. To explore the principles of confidentiality
  4. To define trust
  5. To understand the importance of confidentiality in organizations
  6. To explore the impact of breaches of confidentiality on the organization
  7. To identify strategies and structures that can engender trust


Learning Outcomes


Differentiate between personal and organizational expectationsEvaluate one’s capacity to trustIdentify the trust needs of their staff
The difference between Confidentiality and PrivacyEvaluate one’s own trustworthinessIdentify actions with erode trust in the workplace


Demonstrate the applicability of the principles of confidentiality in the military


Demonstrate the capacity to define confidentiality within the military context


  • Define concept of confidentiality within the context of the organization
  • Differentiate between privacy and confidentiality
  • Define the concept of ‘trust’
  • Explore some essential elements of trust building within organizations
    • The propensity to trust others
    • Exploring dimensions of trustworthiness
      • Integrity
      • Reliability
      • Credibility
      • Competence
      • Benevolence
    • Explore the importance and implications of confidence and trust among individuals
    • Discuss behaviours and perceptions that lead to distrust
    • Examine how communication affects trust (negatively or positively)



  • The delivery of the module will be highly interactive and participative. The participants will be encouraged to focus on their own past personal experiences
  • Small group exercises
  • Role Play
  • The use a variety of multimedia including video clips, PowerPoint presentation





Course Description

This Course will discuss the changes to our usual way of life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic which have given rise to unique challenges such a loneliness and isolation, with the potential detrimental effects on mental health.


This Course will define and examine the causes of loneliness and isolation, the different ways it can show up in our lives. It will provide strategies and resources to aid participants in coping with social isolation and maintaining familial and social relationships. It will empower participants to find a connection even in the current disconnection to safeguard emotional and mental well-being during a potentially extended period of being alone.



At the end of this Course, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss and identify changes/challenges in their lives brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Discuss and identify how these changes/challenges affect the quality of their relationships
  • Define social isolation and loneliness
  • Explore and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social isolation
  • Explore tools and resources to cope with social isolation.
  • Explore tools and resources that will enable them to manage and adjust to the new normal
  • Explore tools and resources on self-care and self-compassion and how to apply these in the new normal


Learning Outcomes:





Understand what social isolation and loneliness is.


Understand the link between the pandemic and social isolation and its contributing factors.


Identify some of the challenges associated with social isolation


Understanding technology usefulness during this time.


Appreciate the use of technology in coping during the pandemic.Outline some tools and resources that can be used to manage challenges associated with the pandemic and social isolation


Understand the role and importance of self-care in adapting to the new normal.


Appreciate the importance of self-care and its usefulness as it relates to mental health.


Applying self-care techniques in coping with the new normal challenges.


Understand the role communication plays in the age of social isolation.Discussing useful methods of communication during the pandemicEvaluating types of communication and its effect during this time.




Social isolation and loneliness are serious but previously unappreciated health risks. The COVID-19 pandemic has now brought these issues to the forefront as the effort to stymie the spread of the virus has seen an increase in social distancing, compulsory quarantines, travel restrictions and business closures. Persons are not experiencing emotional pain due to a loss of connection and community which may contribute to a decline in a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks such as driving, paying bills, taking medicine etc.


  • Define loneliness and social isolation
  • Discuss factors contributing to social isolation in light of the pandemic
  • Discuss the mental and emotional consequences of social isolation on an individual and community level
  • Explore and develop techniques and strategies to cope in the new normal
  • Learn about home-based and community-based support services



A variety of highly interactive and participatory instructional methods would be employed in the delivery of this Course.


These would include:

  • Small group exercises where participants will be encouraged on draw on personal experiences and situations
  • Use of multimedia including, video clips and PowerPoint presentation