GIY Challenge

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Title: Whitney and Alejandro GIY 2024
Author: Whitney
Votes: 14

Category: Small Kitchen Garden
Views: 206
Description: Video #3
Size: 10 - 20 sq.ft
Categories: Small kitchen garden,
1.Most innovative
2.Most decorative
3.Best family kitchen garden

Short term crops - lettuce, celery,kale,chive shadon beni , mustard greens and cucumbers. No chemicals were used by our family. We however used onion and garlic water to water the plants ( a natural fertilizer) .

Lettuce(12): growing nicely and healthy without the use of chemicals.

Celery(7): 4 of these look healthy while the others dried up a bit, however they are springing up again.

Kale(3): 2 kales were attached by caterpillars while the other remain safe. A few cloves of garlic was mixed with a few drops of mineral oil to get rid of the caterpillars.

Chive(10): growing nice and healthy. We harvested some already.

Shadon Beni(10): seems to be coming along nicely.

Mustard Greens(8): growing nicely and ready for harvest.

Cucumbers(3): healthy leaves are seen, soon they will start to run.
A total of(53) short term crops are currently in our family kitchen garden.

Long term crops: tomatoes, sweet pepper, flavour peppers, bodi and ochroes. We already harvested ochroes, flavour peppers and a lovely healthly sweet pepper.

Tomatoes(21): Some started flowering while others are growing nicely.

Sweet Pepper(1): Currently has a small sweet pepper on the tree.

Flavour Pepper(3): 1 tree had peppers on it which we already harvested, while the other 2 trees has flowers along with peppers on them. Once again we didn't include chemicals.

Bodi(10): iguanas seem to be feeding on the bodi leaves. We are currently trying to research natural remedies to keep them away.

Ochroes(9): Some of our Ochro trees already started flowering and bearing while others are still growing. Ochroes were already harvested and enjoyed by our family.
A total number of (44) long term crops are currently in our small family kitchen garden.
2 Mint plants were included to deter unwanted insects, we also included a joyful looking scarecrow to add joy and fun to our garden while keeping away some pest.
The total number of crops in our small family kitchen garden is (97)
Our crop record sheets are used to keep a safe record of the progress of our crops .