GIY Challenge








Implemented by

The Ministry of Sport and Community Development

Community Recovery Unit 


This is a national competition which focuses on the growth of food crops by non-registered farmers. Additionally, individuals who work as professional farmers or are involved in large-scale farming are not eligible for entry.

The crops that will be judged for the competition are as follows:

Short Term (four 4 - six 6 weeks)

Medium Term (Six 6 – Twelve 12 weeks)

Amaranthus spp (Spinach/bhaji)



Sweet peppers


Ochroes (Seedlings)




String Beans,


Pimento Peppers

Carrot Greens

Hot peppers

Shadon Beni


Mustard Greens






Main Categories





Number of plants per area


Small Kitchen Garden

10 – 20 sq. ft.



Medium Kitchen Garden

21 – 31 sq. ft.



Large Kitchen Garden

32 sq.  ft. and above

500 and above


 Best Hydroponic Kitchen Garden

16 sq. ft. and above

150  and above


Best Aquaponics Kitchen Garden

16 sq. ft. and above

150 and above


 Best Community Group Garden 

38  sq. ft. and above

1,000 and above

Consideration will be given to the exclusion of inter (space between plants) and intra-spacing (space between rows).

Special Categories: One winner will be chosen from each category

  • Most Innovative Kitchen Garden
  • Most Sustainable Kitchen Garden
  • People’s Choice
  • Most Decorative Kitchen Garden
  • Best Family Kitchen Garden
  • Best Community Group Garden
  • Best Female Kitchen Garden
  • Best Youth Kitchen Garden
  • Best Influencer Kitchen Garden


  1. Crops can be planted in any object available (e.g. ground, grow box, pot etc.) and may be of any shape but must:

    a) Be within the proximity of their property
    b) Adhere as much as possible to the recommended square footage for the category
    c) The community plot must be in the community to which the community group belongs

  2. Guidelines and links to videos highlighting best practices for gardening can be found on the microsite of the Ministry of Sport and Community Development.
  3. All competitors must grow a minimum of six (6) of the listed crops in their kitchen garden (three from each group listing provided above). Upon registration three (3) crops must be short term and three (3) crops must be long term.
  4. The crops listed in the table above are the only plants approved to be grown in the same garden plot/grow box/bed/pot with the crops being judged.
  5. There will be six (6) main categories and nine (9) special categories for judging.
  6. Starter agrochemicals and four (4) sets of seedlings, two (2) from each group will be provided to ONLY the first 100 registered participants to limit variability among competitors from the crops selected upon registration. The other two (2) crops from the six (6) crops that were chosen have to be provided by each participant.
  7. Individuals registering for the aquaponics category must indicate on the registration form whether they are using an existing or newly established system.
  8. To qualify for the Best Influencer Kitchen Garden, the influencer must have over 3,000 followers on either IG, FB, or Tik Tok. The influencer must choose from the six (6) main categories. Influencers must share each of their videos on their personal social media pages using the hashtag #giy #growityourself #mscd and tag MSCD. All four (4) videos must also be uploaded to the microsite. The influencer’s garden will be adjudicated as the other main categories. The influencers will also be judged via votes on the microsite throughout the competition for this special category. The final tally of votes for all four (4) videos will be completed at the end of the competition. The judges’ scores will carry a weight of 60% whilst, the votes obtained will account for 40% of the influencer’s score. The weighted scores will be used to determine the Best Influencer Kitchen Garden.
  9. To be considered for the Best Family Garden, competitors must indicate that they are participating as a family on the registration form. To qualify for this category, two (2) or more persons from the same household must participate. This category will be adjudicated as the other categories. However, family members must be listed or identified, and their video submissions should demonstrate their participation through their roles in the preparation and maintenance of the garden.
  10. Competitors are required to maintain a crop journal which should contain information such as:

    a) The date of planting;
    b) The crop variety;
    c) Cultural practices (integrated pest management, fertilization, watering, sanitation, molding etc.); and
    d) Yield

  11.  Competitors will be required to submit five (4) videos.

-The videos must not be longer than two (2) minutes (120 seconds) each showcasing their garden.

-Videos must not be a series of images/photo collage. It should be a recording of their garden, crops, and the information contained in the crop record as well as, measures taken to adhere to health and safety practices.

When recording competitors are to describe their garden (size, category, name of crops). The description can be included in writing in the video or audio.

-Please ensure that proper lighting is used when recording the videos. The contents of the video must be clearly visible for judging.

-Participants are to ensure that the audio in the video is clear (judges must be able to clearly hear the participant/s in the video).  

- Participants are advised to utilize the entire frame when creating videos. Please avoid pillar boxing bars / letter boxing as this makes it harder for the judges to see your garden and the contents of the video.

  1. Individuals who work as professional farmers or are involved in large-scale farming are NOT eligible for entry.




Horizontal Pipes – Approx. 40-50 sq. ft

10ft long

Pipes 2ft apart

Holes at least 1” apart – 9 grow holes per pipe



Vertical Pipes – 15-20 sq. ft

4-5ft height not including the water collection container

Pipes 3ft apart depending on crop

Growing space with holes at least 1’ apart – 18 holes per pipe



Stacked Pots – 15 - 20 sq. ft

4-5ft height not including water collection container

Pipes 3ft apart depending on crop

Grow space – 4 plants per pot

No soil Grow media




Media grow bed – 16-32sq feet

Grow media – no soil

Type of Crops used would determine grow space Eg. Long term crops would occupy more space than seasonings and leafy greens

Eg. 4x4 space can accommodate – 1 row of 6 chive; 1 row of 5 shadon beni; 1 row of 3 patchoi and 1 row of 3 lettuce



A-frame is a vertical and horizontal pipe hybrid combo ~ 30 sq. ft



Holes at least 1ft apart


Please avoid this →


The Twelve (12) Administrative Districts throughout Trinidad and Tobago, would be considered for the competition these include:

  • St George East;
  • St George West;
  • Victoria East;
  • Victoria West;
  • Caroni South;
  • Caroni North;
  • St Patrick East;
  • St Patrick West;
  • Nariva/Mayaro;
  • St Andrew/St David; and
  • (East and West )






Phase 1

Competitors to commence registration and submit 1st video of ‘plant in ground’ to complete the registration process (upload)

June 12th – July 5th 2024

Phase 2

Competitors to submit 2nd video (upload)

July 26th –31st 2024

Phase 3

Competitors to submit 3rd video (upload)

August 14th – 19th 2024

Phase 4

Competitors to submit 4th video (upload)

September 6th – 9th 2024

Phase 5

End Of Competition

September 13th


Participants from the twelve (12) Administrative Districts throughout Trinidad and Tobago, would be eligible to enter the competition these include:

  • St George East;
  • St George West;
  • Victoria East;
  • Victoria West;
  • Caroni South;
  • Caroni North;
  • St Patrick East;
  • St Patrick West;
  • Nariva/Mayaro;
  • St Andrew/St David; and
  • Tobago East
  • Tobago West



1. The Top three (3) gardens in each Zone (County) would be awarded North, South, Central, East, West and Tobago from the following categories:

  • Best Small Kitchen Garden
  • Best Medium Kitchen Garden
  • Best Large Kitchen Garden
  • Best Hydroponic Kitchen Garden
  • Best Aquaponics Kitchen Garden
  • Best Community Group Garden


2. Special Prizes: First Place Winners ONLY from the following:

  • Most Innovative Kitchen Garden
  • Most Sustainable Kitchen Garden
  • People’s Choice
  • Most Decorative Kitchen Garden
  • Best Family Kitchen Garden
  • Best Community Group Garden
  • Best Female Kitchen Garden
  • Best Youth Kitchen Garden


3. Special Prize for Best Influencer Kitchen Garden




Overall categories will be adjudicated by a panel of experts selected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries and the Ministry of Sports and Community Development (MSCD).

Participants must attain an average score of sixty-five (65) and above to be considered for an overall prize.

The small, medium, large, and community kitchen gardens will be judged at the Zone level. Whereas, the hydroponic and aquaponics Kitchen garden will be judged at the overall level.

The top three (3) participants with an average score of 65 and above will comprise the Zone winners within each main category (small, medium, large and community). 1st place winners will move forward for consideration for the overall prize in their category. Overall winners will be chosen from the top three (3) gardens in each main category (small, medium, large and community garden).

Similarly, the top three (3) participants with an average score of 65 and over within the hydroponic and aquaponic garden categories will comprise the overall winners.

One (1) average point will be deducted for every 15 seconds over the stipulated time of two (2) minutes (120 seconds).

Specifics for special categories:

  • The Most Innovative Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the competitor with the highest overall Innovation score.
  • The Most Sustainable Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the competitor with the highest Overall Sustainability score.
  • The Most Decorative Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the competitor with the highest Overall Decorative score.
  • The Best Family Garden prize will be given to the top competitor in the family category with the highest overall average score of sixty-five (65) and above.
  • The People’s Choice Award will be issued based on the competitor whose videos achieved the most amount of votes on the MSCD’s website.
  • The Best Influencer Kitchen Garden Choice Award will be issued based on the competitors’ scores and number of votes achieved on the MSCD’s website.
  • The Best Female Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the competitor with the highest overall average score.
  • The Best Community Group Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the group with the highest overall average score.
  • The Best Youth Kitchen Garden prize will be given to the competitor between the ages of 10 -35 years with the highest overall average score.






Plant /Crop Health & Maturity

Overall health of the plants and / or crop (e.g. number of yellow or discoloured leaves, signs of pests, level of development for its age etc.).

20 pts.

Yield / Quantity of Crop

Yield achieved based on the average expectation for the crop (e.g. the number of or size of the crops is larger or smaller than the norm).

20 pts.

Overall Innovation

New or underutilised solutions to concerns or drawbacks, in gardening (e.g. plant rotation, watering or fertilising mechanisms, etc.).

15 pts.


“Green” garden practices such as upcycled and recycled materials, water conservation, composting, etc.

15 pts.


Aesthetic choices e.g. Use of coloured fertiliser, or pebbles, inclusion of flowers, garden layout and design, etc.

10 pts.

Health & Safety

General sanitation, the use of personal protective equipment, handling and storage of pesticides, fertilizers, tools and equipment.

10 pts

Record Keeping

Record of the date of planting, crop variety, yield, cultural practices (e.g. integrated pest management, fertilisation, watering, sanitation, moulding, etc.).

10 pts



100 pts.







Water conservation

Watering methods which helps conserve water (e.g. drip irrigation systems, use of rain water/recycled household water to water plants as well as the use of mulch to maintain moisture).

4 pts.

Integrated pest management

The use of organic pesticides / various herbs / flowers to help get rid of pests as well as the use of disease resistant varieties of plants.

4 pts.

Use of recycled and upcycled materials

The use of materials such as tyres, pvc pipes and plastic bottles as a substitute for plant containers as well as the use of table scraps, grass cuttings and animal waste in compost.

4 pts.

Garden design

Placement of plants to help shade other plants.

3 pts.



15 pts.







Garden Design

The use of vertical gardening techniques to utilize limited space, intercropping, etc.

4 pts.

Use of unconventional plant containers and plant stands

The use of items such as bottles, tins and tyres as plant containers.

4 pts.

Self-watering systems

Creative design and use of self-watering systems.

4 pts.

New or underutilized methods for pest control

The use of new or underutilised methods to deter and control pests / plant diseases (e.g. home-made mixtures of various herbs, etc.).

3 pts.



15 pts.







Use of decorative plants

The use of decorative plants and herbs which both deter pests and beautify garden.

3 pts.

Use of decorative containers

Design and use of decorative plant containers.

2 pts.

Aesthetic layout of garden

Overall layout of garden.

3 pts.

Use of decorative materials

Use of coloured mulch, ornamental stones and signs to help enhance the beauty of the garden.

2 pts.



10 pts.