GIY Challenge

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Title: Whitney and Alejandro GIY 2024
Author: Whitney
Votes: 18

Category: Small Kitchen Garden
Views: 175
Description: Video #4
Size: 10 - 20 sq.ft
Categories: Small kitchen garden, (Family)
1.Most innovative
2.Most decorative
3.Best family kitchen garden

Short term crops - lettuce, celery,kale,chive shadon beni , mustard greens and cucumbers. No chemicals were used by our family. We however used onion and garlic water to water the plants ( a natural fertilizer).

Lettuce. These grew nicely, some were already harvested and enjoyed, while all the others will be harvested within a day or two.

Celery(started with 7, now 4 left): 4 of these look healthy while the others dried up a bit.

Kale(3): 2 kales were attached by caterpillars while the other remain safe. A few cloves of garlic was mixed with a few drops of mineral oil to get rid of the caterpillars . 1 kale survived

Chive(10): Our chive has proven to withstand the excessive hot sun we have been face with. Growing nice and healthy. We harvested some already.

Shadon Beni(10): seems to be coming along nicely. All survived.

Mustard Greens: growing nicely , ready for harvest. 5 of these were already harvested and enjoyed by our family.

Cucumbers(3): Currently flowering and bearing lovely cucumbers.

Long term crops: tomatoes, sweet pepper, flavour peppers, bodi and ochroes. We already harvested ochroes, flavour peppers and a lovely healthy sweet pepper.

Tomatoes(20): Some currently have green tomatoes on them, while others start flowers and some are still growing.

Sweet Pepper(1): harvested 2 sweet peppers

Flavour Pepper(3): 1 tree keeps bearing more than the other 2 trees. Some peppers were already harvested. Once again we didn't include chemicals just natural fertilizer ( onion and garlic water)

Bodi(10): iguanas keep feeding on the bodi leaves

Ochroes(9): Some ochroes were already harvested and shared with relatives while others were already harvested and enjoyed by our family. Our Ochroes trees keep bearing at a healthy rate even the small trees are bearing.

Mint plants were included to deter unwanted insects however 1 mint tree withered due to the excessive hot sun.

Our crop record sheets are used to keep a safe record of the progress of our crops. Half of a barrel was also included to collect rain water to water the plants. A Trini Scarecrow was include included next to our compose heap to keep away some animals as well as add joy to our small family garden o

We are extremely pleased with the outcome of our garden and more thrilled with we shared our harvested crops with other.