GIY Challenge

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Title: Video #4 - the harvest
Author: Anneliese
Votes: 35

Category: Best Hydroponic Kitchen Garden
Views: 295
Description: You Reap what you Sow !!

This is my final video but not the end of my journey !!
Nothing rewarding is easy .. This garden challenge has tested every ounce of patience , perseverance and will power to continue .

These demon pest hit me so hard . They destroyed more than 50% of my seedlings in a matter of hours . I truly wanted to give up but having lupus sle has thought me to fight through pain and struggles daily .

So I got more seedlings , sought advice from local Agri shops and other Hydrophonics farmers and my attempt was rewarding in the end .

I was able to reap , kale , 2 variety of lettuce , Shadon Beni , cucumber and chive in this little space and with the limited time I replanted some ..
my patchoi was left to get booger and my tomato trees are laden with a lot of fruit .. the melongen and ochro have a lot of flowers but no fruit as yet ..

I’ve learned a lot about agriculture and plants throughout this journey and would like to thank the GIY team for answering all questions and their technical help throughout ..
I’m proud of myself for reaching this far and want to encourage everyone to plant a seed today 😍