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Title: Yolande's Green Garden -GIY Video 3
Votes: 3

Category: Small Kitchen Garden
Views: 77
Description: Small Kitchen Garden Update

Can you believe I’ve already started reaping my crops.

Given the heavy rainfall my crops have grown beautifully and abundantly.

Ochros have grown taller and are yet to flower.

Patchoi are making beautiful progress. In fact , several were picked to avoid spoilage.

Cucumber plants have grown and are heavily flowered.

Celery, they are sprouting.

Lettuce has grown and several needed to be picked to avoid spoilage.

Hot peppers and pimentoes plants have grown.

Tomatoes, I placed stakes for support and are still growing.

Chive and Chado Beni are growing as well.. In fact several were picked for seasoning over the weekend.

Till next time.