GIY Challenge

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Title: First Video Submission (Frankie's and Daughters' Garden)
Author: Frankie's and Daughters' Garden
Votes: 9

Category: Medium Kitchen Garden
Views: 168
Description: In this video, we dive into what's in Frankie's and Daughters' garden. You'll see what's in our medium garden and what's planted, such as patchoi, celery, chive, melongen, lettuce, and so much more. 🌿🥬

We're thrilled to be part of the Grow It Yourself (GIY) Community Kitchen Garden initiative, aiming to boost food production at the household level and promote healthy eating habits. This initiative, under the theme “Grow what you eat, Eat what you Grow”, focuses on Good Agricultural Farming Practices to enhance food sovereignty, sustainability, and security.

Thanks for the Challenge: We're incredibly thankful for the GIY challenge. It's been a rewarding experience, fostering community spirit and promoting a healthier lifestyle. 🌱

#GIYInitiative #CommunityGarden #HealthyEating #FoodSecurity #GrowWhatYouEat #EatWhatYouGrow #Gardening