GIY Challenge

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Title: GIY 2024 – Video #1
Author: Kerrie
Votes: 6

Category: Large Kitchen Garden
Views: 213
Description: Garden Size 16ftx14ft Crops planted on June 14th - Cabbage, Hot Pepper, Melongene, Sweet Pepper, Pimento
Crops planted June 24th - Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot Greens, Orcho, Celery, Lettuce, Kale, Chive, Patchoi, String Beans seeds, Shado Beni seeds. Number of plants [500+]
Manure - Homemade Compost, top soil and promix
Materials - repurposed tires and rims, old pallet, recycled containers, repurposed barrels, repurposed BRC for trellis, scrap wood, plant pots
Beautification - White stones to prevent weeds, wood shavings to keep plants cool during day time heat, flowers to attract butterflies, river stones, white paint on tires and barrels