Over $1.2 Million for 2018 Divali Celebrations

The Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts wishes to advise that the National Council for Indian Culture (NCIC) and the Maha Sabha have received a total of $1 250 000.00 for their 2018 Divali Celebrations. According to Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly “the Ministry and by extension the Government is firm in its mandate to build culturally rich communities. Cheques are available for collection by the NCIC and Maha Sabha, and requests for funding by other groups are currently being processed”.
Minister Gadsby-Dolly further stated that “the NCIC and Maha Sabha were informed of the approved amount on Friday October 26, 2018.

Funding was also approved and cheques prepared for Ramleela Celebrations in sum of $192, 342.00. The Ministry of Community Development Culture and the Arts continues to review and process applications for funding and will liaise with groups to collect as soon as possible.



For media inquiries, please contact:

The Communications Unit

Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts

Nicholas Tower

624-5004 Ext. 5145 / 5148
